Friday, September 30, 2011

Day 6 -Pretty fucking close to a week!

 I did something unprecedented last night and amazingly it doesn't end with- "and after that I blacked out and don't know how I got home." I am involved with a comics board that is for local-to-me comics. We flame, discuss and verbally spit on each other but mostly it's out of *ahem* love. It's like if everyone in your office could actually say what they thought about Sally in accounting. Sure, she's a bitch and you all talk about it, but what if you could go up to her and say "Sally, I respect your work and you're an amazing accountant but you're a total douchebag to everyone, what is your fuckin' problem, dude?" And no one would sue.

I'm sure at some point a comic will sue another comic for defamation or some shit and fuck it up for everyone, but at this point I personally think it's rad.  We live in a world where people are way too sensitive to being offended and it's nice to know if someone has a problem with you, they'll just tell you vs. playing office politics. I never got office politics, it seems like a arbitrary system where we all kiss the bosses ass- even though the boss doesn't know the difference between there, their and they're- and we're all laughing about what an idiot he is behind his back. Like a really shitty dysfunctional relationship that you have to stay in because they pay you. But I digress.
Before anyone starts saying anything about sexual harassment, I'm a chick and I get sexually harassed about once a week (on a good week). In example, there's a (male) comic who always flirts with me and I finally told him "You know no matter how many drinks you buy me, I'm never going to fuck you, right?" and he laughed and tension over.  I like him, we're buddies.

These are the chicks and dudes that I perform with every night and see most often. And I love comics, their opinions mean something to me.  So last night, I was like 'why don't I come out about this whole thing? I mean, they may call me a wimp and a quitter, but at least I won't get offered booze at shows'  so I posted to the board. To my amazement, (and some of you may be thinking, 'of course they are happy you've decided not to kill yourself slowly' but it's the culture) I received a outpouring of  acceptance from all of those I give a shit about. Now, if you've got a problem, get your own shit together dude.

Now I've got a couple of folks also getting sober, but I'll also not have to worry about feeling like the fat girl at the prom. I can now look at this is say, 'Yes, I'm a drunky mcdrunkerpants, but I can choose not to be a active drunky mcdrunkerpants.'

I have a choice in this.

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